Print to Order Art

I designed this Shopify store with a clothing brand in mind. Check out the video below to see some of its best features!

See the example site here.

Here is the site I built.

To build this site, I started with Shopify's Ride theme, then customized colors and layout to match my client's brand.

The most important part of this project was allowing customers to personalize their products right on the product page: 

I achieved this by installing an app from Shopify's app store. Why use an app rather than building the form myself? There are a few reasons:

  1. Efficiency! I can install, configure, and customize an app at least 5 times faster than I can build the same functionality.
  2. Future proofing - apps have a team of developers behind them ensuring that their app is always compatible with the latest version of Shopify.
  3. Client - Shopify apps often have an easy to learn interface that allows store owners to make changes without hiring a developer.


Want an eCommerce store of your own? Get in touch!

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Other proejcts.

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